Weekly Nuggets 02-05-16

We’ve been on Winter break over the last several weeks, but we’re back and ready to share!

We’re starting our Spring semester and that means we’ll be learning about decision making, reading to learn techniques, and communication. In addition, we’ll be learning how to create Web sites using Google Sites. Students will create a digital portfolio of their time in the ABI Program. The portfolio will include important take-aways for each class and specific strategies for them to use in their daily lives.

Weekly nuggets come from a brainstorm the class does together every Thursday to review the most important concepts discussed during that week in class.

Cognitive Classes

Decision Making/Reading to Learn

  • Asking “what’s my purpose” is the first question to ask and can help direct you.
  • You should set your purpose ahead of time to help motivate you.
  • Asking “what do I already know” is very helpful and can help direct decisions.
  • To really learn something, you have to apply it and practice it frequently.
  • Identifying your decision-making style can help you learn more about yourself and how you make decisions.
  • The decisions we make impact others.

Computer Lab

  • PDF files can be opened and annotated (marked up) in Notability.
  • A blog page can be used to post daily successes or affirmations.
  • When learning new concepts, visual learners can use Google Images to help visualize the concepts.
  • Google Sites can be used to create lots of different kinds of Web sites.