Use Evernote as a time management tool!

This article originally posted at

Planning and efficiency are essential for effective time management after brain injury. Utilizing cognitive strategies can make the difference between taking 2-3 minutes to find something and an hour. Technology can often help with the issue of efficiency. This video lesson demonstrates how you can create a cognitive strategies folder in Evernote to easily and efficiently access a list of cognitive strategies you find especially beneficial.

Let’s start with a scenario to bring the point home. Imagine a situation where you know the cognitive strategy of pre-reading would be very helpful, but you don’t remember all the steps involved. What do you do? What if you wrote it down in your notebook, but you aren’t near your notebook? Or, you know you wrote it down somewhere, but you can’t find it. You probably won’t be very efficient in either of these situations.

This is where technology can help. Let’s explore a technique that might help that you can use with Evernote.

Not a bad strategy, right! Can you see how this strategy might save time and make you more efficient? How could you apply this strategy in other ways?